
Showing posts from September, 2021


  CASE  :   A 30 year old man,lorry driver by occupation, resident of tangapally Choutupal came to the OPD with chief complaints of - blood in stools,pain while excretion since 2 months - fever since 1 week HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months back and since 2 months patient complains of loose stools( 3 to 4 episodes ) which are watery occasionally black stools associated with pain abdomen burning micturition present  - associated with fever - intermittent, low grade and associated with chills - yellowish discoloration of eyes since 20 days associated with generalized weakness  No history of vomitings, pedal edema ,orthopnea and PND ,no palpitations PAST HISTORY: No h/o DM/HTN/Asthma/Epilepsy/CAD/TB PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet - mixed Appetite - decreased  Sleep - adequate Bowel movements - Loose stools and burning micturition No known allergies Chronic alcoholic since 16 years GENERAL EXAMINATION: Pt is conscious, coherent,cooperative Pallor +,icterus +,

Type 1 diabetes

22 YEAR FEMALE WITH UNCONTROLLED TYPE ONE DIABETES MELLITUS  A 23 yr old female came to opd with  chief complaints of generalized weakness, headache, giddiness, burning sensation in both upper and lower limbs, since 3months HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS- Giddiness - once or twice a week lasting for 5-10 min , not associated with vomiting, neck pain, blurring of vision. C/o burning sensation of both upper limbs and lower limbs distal extremities since 3 months C/o generalised weakness of body,but able to get up from squatting position, able to climb upstairs and down,able to comb hair and mix food, able to get up from bed and roll over the to hold chappals while walking. No complaints of fever, vomiting's, nausea, pain abdomen, shortness of breath. No complaints of altered bladder and bowel habits When she is of 7 y age, she had fever and fell unconscious and was admitted in hospital, remained in the unconscious state till 3 days and there was detected as diabetes mellitus